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Certification for Success

The Digital Equity Program at the Fortune Society has provided me with an opportunity to earn certifications and skills to prepare me for administrative roles in the office setting. Despite growing up with computers and knowing how to use them my whole life, I was never officially “certified” in any programs/software. When I transitioned and wanted to look for administrative assistant positions and other administrative jobs, I did not have anything specific to highlight except for things like “Strong Proficiency in Computer and Microsoft Office”. However, the Digital Equity Program changed this. As a result of the classes and the certification it offered, I can now highlight on my resume: “Microsoft Office Specialist: Word Associate”.

Fortune Digital Equity participants showing their brand new Microsoft certifications

When Fortune first offered the cohort and the opportunity to be part of the Microsoft Office Associate 2019, my first thought to myself was, “I don’t need this, I know this already, as I’ve been using this my whole life.” It wasn’t until I had the chance to connect with one of the Digital Equity Trainers that I realized being certified in it makes a difference. I still remember the day when we had the conversation when the trainer asked me, “I know you told me you know this, but are you certified in it?” That question sparked something in me and made me realize that we’re living in an age of “Credentialism”, where having different certifications is what sets “me” apart from the other hundreds of people applying for the same position.

Thus, I applied and joined the Microsoft Word Associate: 2019 Certification Class, which was a 1- Month Course, with classes twice a week, 3 hours per class session. I found the class to be very well-structured and beginner-friendly. Following the Microsoft Curriculum, the instructor was able to provide good introductions and support to beginners who are not familiar with Microsoft Word. Meanwhile, for some of us who were already familiar with Microsoft Word, the instructor also taught us many new things as this program gets updated constantly over the years with new things being rolled out and a new user interface. Overall, it was a very rewarding class, that provided essential knowledge to anyone who seeks to enhance their computer skills and to earn certifications that would enhance their job search in the office/ administrative settings.

I truly believe that having the right certification related to the jobs that you’re applying for makes a big difference. Furthermore, being able to learn something new while earning a certification in such a short length of time at no cost: I don’t see any reason not to do that. However, as someone who has taken the class before, I do encourage anyone who is interested in attending to commit to the class by fully attending every session and reviewing the course materials ahead of time. In doing so, you will set yourself up for success. Currently, I am waiting for the next certification class to come, so I can earn additional certification and build up my portfolio. I look forward to and hope to see you all in the next class!


This post is a part of the Digital Equity Team's Fortune Bloggers initiative, featuring posts written by Fortune participants themselves about their experience with the digital divide. For more Fortune Blogger features, click the tag below.


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